And Finally Beef Of The Week

CMU Beef Of The Week #38: Dave Grohl v Scissor Sisters

By | Published on Saturday 9 October 2010

So, the shock news this week was that Dave Grohl is suing Jake Shears of the Scissor Sisters for $75 million dollars.

The lawsuit was announced in an exclusive interview with Grohl on, er, The Sister Sisters’ own news channel. The Foo Fighter revealed that he chose to take legal action against Shears after catching sight of his testicles at one of the band’s recent concerts.

‘Court documents’ published on the Scissor Sisters website state that the “violation of New York State indecent exposure laws” caused Grohl to “suffer acute psychological distress, emotional pain and suffering and mental anguish into the future” and that he would “incur mental health expenses in the past and into the future”.

This Beef Of The Week comes from this edition of the CMU Weekly. Subscribe to the CMU Weekly here.