
Diddy settles party shoot out lawsuits

By | Published on Friday 24 June 2011

P Diddy

Sean Diddy Man Combs has reportedly settled various lawsuits relating to an infamous night at a New York club in 1999 which ended up in one of those fashionable hip hop shoot outs.

Combs and his then girlfriend Jennifer Lopez were at Club New York when the shoot out occurred, and were taken in for police questioning after the incident. Combs associate Jamal ‘Shyne’ Barrow was jailed in relation to the shooting, but Combs was cleared of involvement by the criminal investigation. Nevertheless, he, Barrow and club owner Michael Bergos were all sued by some of the people injured in the shooting, and those lawsuits have been rumbling on ever since.

Except, according to new reports, they were all settled earlier this year with big cash pay outs being made to the victims, presumably without any actual acceptance of liability on the part of the defendants. We don’t know the details, and didn’t know these deals had been made at all until know, because everyone involved signed up to a non-disclosure agreement, except, for some reason, Bergos, who has now spilt the beans to the New York Post. Which is how we know this much.