And Finally Artist News

Prof Green responds to Fresher slap – “as you were”

By | Published on Tuesday 7 October 2014

Professor Green

Professor Green has responded to (well, tweeted about) the news that he slapped a fan during a recent Freshers’ Week gig in Durham. Apparently what actually happened is that the popular rap man was mugged for his Rolex and in the resulting calamity possibly, maybe, accidentally hit a student. Oh no, hang on, that was his excuse for an entirely different incident.

No, what happened this time is that the audience member shouted the word “cunt” at the Prof. And Green felt that newbie students need to be taught from day one that that’s no way to be speaking to academic superiors. So he slapped him. In the face. Before declaring, according to a local student newspaper, “That’s what happens when you call me a cunt”. Which is good to know.

Responding to reports of the incident over the weekend, Green stated on Twitter: “Since when is someone who hurls repeated abuse and tries to slap me a fan? As you were…”

I think if you take Freshers’ Week bookings you probably have to accept that you’re not going to be playing to just fans; pissed up “cunt” hecklers probably come with the territory. Still, at least they all now know to expect a slap in the head.