And Finally

Weezer drummer responds to Stop Weezer campaign

By | Published on Friday 8 October 2010

Weezer drumming man Patrick Wilson has responded to the previously reported online campaign that is looking to raise $10 million in a bid to persuade the American indie types to never make another record.

As previously reported, American James Burns has set up the campaign on a crowdfunding website, stating that he is trying to protect the Weezer fans he knows who are, he says, disappointed every time the band release yet another record that fails to match their seminal 1996 album ‘Pinkerton’. Burns: “I am tired of my friends being disappointed year after year. I am tired of endless whimsical cutesy album covers and music videos”.

With a load of press coverage for the jokey campaign this week, the band have now seen it, leading to Wilson’s response. Linking to Pitchfork’s coverage of Burns’ fundraising page, the drummer joked: “If they can make it 20 [million], we’ll do the ‘deluxe breakup'”.

Given Burns has so far only raised $285, I’m guessing Wilson can quite safely make that pledge without ever having to stick to it. Unless there’s a very rich Weezer hater out there somewhere.