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AFEM launches code of conduct to tackle sexual harassment in electronic music community

By | Published on Thursday 12 November 2020

Association For Electronic Music

The Association For Electronic Music has launched a new code of conduct that seeks to tackle sexual harassment and gender discrimination within the electronic and dance music community.

The trade group says that, with the electronic music industry dominated by small to middle-sized businesses that often don’t have formal human resource departments and policies, it hopes the new code of conduct can “begin the process of setting professional standards within electronic music for our members and wider industry to adopt”.

The publication of the code follows increased debate about sexual harassment and assault within the electronic music world, mainly the result of accusations being made against a number of men working in the industry.

Launching the code of conduct yesterday, AFEM General Manager Greg Marshall said: “We want to bring about an electronic music culture where everyone involved feels safe, respected and free from sexual harassment and risk of assault, to ensure safe environments for fans and professionals and to advocate for a culture of support for victims of harassment and assault to ensure they are encouraged to come forward and feel they will be supported when they do”.

Among the numerous organisations supporting the initiative is SheSaid.So, whose founder Andreea Magdalina says: “The code of conduct developed by AFEM is absolutely necessary. Our hope is that this document will dissipate any uncertainties in regards to the type of behaviour that should be encouraged or, conversely, penalised”.

“For women and other gender minorities these lines are clearly distinct, although we understand the nuanced scenarios in which they take place and the necessary education required to reinforce them”, she went on. “I welcome the code of conduct as a firm guideline that formalises the do’s and don’ts of gender-based interaction in the electronic music workplace – whether that’s online, in the office, the studio or on the dancefloor”.

You can access the code here.