And Finally

Alice Cooper gives bible lessons in his spare time

By | Published on Tuesday 18 October 2011

Alice Cooper

What do shock rockers do on their days off? Well, I imagine Marilyn Manson sits around thinking of new ways to be shocking. And so, it seems, does Alice Cooper. Though while Marilyn Manson’s recent Shia LaBeouf-directed music video fell a bit flat in the shock stakes, Cooper has outdone him by revealing that he teaches bible classes in his local church.

Actually, it’s the man who ‘plays’ Alice Cooper, Vincent Furnier, who teaches the classes, but that doesn’t mean people find it easy to make the distinction. He told The Sun: “You should see the look on people’s faces. ‘Alice Cooper teaching Bible class? But he’s the spawn of the Devil!’ Surely people get it by now – Alice is just a character. Alice hates going to church, but I go every Sunday”.