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CMU Trends: Music Industry Basics

By | Published on Wednesday 5 August 2020

The latest CMU Trends ten step guide provides a concise and user-friendly overview of how the different strands of the music industry fit together.

It’s based on the ‘Introduction To The Music Industry’ seminar that CMU Insights provides to various music industry companies and organisations as an induction session. That said, it also helps those with plenty of experience in one strand of the music industry better understand what is happening in all the other strands.

As the guide says, the music industry is simply a community of people and companies who help artists, musicians, songwriters and record producers to generate income out of their music-making. Most music industry people and companies focus on one of an artist’s revenue streams, so understanding the music industry also requires understanding the different ways music-makers make money.

The guide explains all of that, as well as considering how the different strands of the business sometimes collide, and also recent market trends which have seen the recorded music industry move back into growth while, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the live industry faces many challenges in the months and years ahead.

Premium CMU subscribers can access and download this guide – and loads of other guides too – for free via the CMU Library. Or you can buy individual guides from the CMU Shop.

Click here to read the new guide and click here to go premium with CMU for just £5 a month.