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Lego releases album of brick sounds

By | Published on Tuesday 2 February 2021

Lego White Noise

What are you listening to right now? Music? Loser. All the cool people these days are listening to the sounds of thousands of Lego bricks cascading onto each other. And you know what? It’s chilling them right the fuck out.

Lego’s new ‘Lego White Noise’ album features seven 30 minute tracks made up of “nothing but the iconic sounds that the Lego brick makes, sounds that are recognised by generations all over the world”.

The aim, says Lego, is to “help listeners find a moment of zen in their day, making it the perfect audio accompaniment for falling asleep, unwinding, or relaxing through Lego building”.

Listening to sounds of Lego bricks while also playing with Lego bricks might be overdoing it a bit, but whatever helps, I guess.

“Each Lego element makes a unique noise, which is why designers experimented with over 10,000 in their quest for the perfect soothing sounds”, adds the company. “The result is a soundscape that includes tracks such as ‘It All Clicks’, which perfectly captures the joyous sound of two Lego elements joining together, and ‘The Waterfall’, created by pouring thousands of Lego bricks on top of each other”.

The album is available on Spotify and Apple Music, as well as other streaming services you’re less likely to be signed up to.