
Vimeo launches music library

By | Published on Friday 23 September 2011


YouTube competitor Vimeo has launched its own production music library to allow video makers to licence music to sync with their work in an easy and affordable way.

Although offering similar services to YouTube, Vimeo is more true to the concept of user-generated content, and is aimed much more at independent film-makers and other creatives looking for somewhere to showcase their work, rather than at punters wanting to stick clips of the TV shows they like onto the internet. To this end, unlike YouTube, Vimeo does not have licences from the big music companies and collecting societies, which means both it and its users can get in trouble when they post videos using other people’s tunes.

The new service therefore offers music that film-makers can legitimately use, some available for free under a Creative Commons licence, others at $1.99 for non-commercial use and $98 for commercial players. The service brings together music from a number of existing production music catalogues.

Browse the library and watch an introductory video here.