Jun 11, 2024 1 min read

Approved: Treanne

Having supported Sampha on his recent US tour dates, Treanne put out her debut EP ‘20/20’ last month. Its songs show off an incredible new songwriting talent, using understated arrangements to deliver the maximum emotional impact

Approved: Treanne

Following a US tour with Sampha and a three week residency at Young Space - the London collaborative workspace run by indie label Young - singer-songwriter Treanne recently released her debut EP ‘20/20’.

Preferring to keep instrumentation stripped back, her understated arrangements sound effortless while actually doing a huge amount of work to ensure they deliver the maximum emotional impact. 

On a song like ‘Please’, subtle shifts in the tempo of a very simple guitar underline particularly emotive lyrics. On ‘Sharing My Body’, the core piano riff repeats throughout almost without variation, grounding the song when the vocals on the chorus attempt to pull away. 

🎧 ‘20/20’ is out now. Watch the video for ‘Sharing My Body’ below

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