May 24, 2024 3 min read

⏩ One Liners: Ivors Awards, Skrillex, Melt-Banana + more

Kavi publishing deal; Tokischa launches label; EMMA + beatBread; Runway and GESAC appointments; Ivors winners; new music from Skrillex, Eli & Fur, Melt-Banana, Maxïmo Park, Don Toliver and Moby

⏩ One Liners: Ivors Awards, Skrillex, Melt-Banana + more
Credits (clockwise from top left): SJ Spreng; Warner Music; Lindsay Hicks; Moja; Warner Music


Brandon Silverstein’s S10 Publishing in partnership with Avex USA has signed a worldwide publishing deal with Kavi, a producer on Tommy Richman’s hit ‘Million Dollar Baby’. The producer’s management team, Alix and Benny Negrin of OneWonder, are “THRILLED” about the deal. “We're looking forward to building long-lasting success for Kavi’s career and creating many hits together”, say they.
Warner Music Latina has partnered with Dominican artist Tokischa to launch new record label SOL. The venture will be run by the artist and her manager Angelica Piche within the Warner group. Tokischa will release her own music through the label and also sign other artists. Piche - who is “THRILLED” about the partnership - says the new label “will be a home for misunderstood artists. It’s very important for us to give a voice and a space to people who, like us, started from scratch”. 
The European Music Managers Alliance has announced a new partnership with music funding platform beatBread. EMMA Executive Director Jess Partridge notes the organisation’s recent report that “clearly identified funding and access to finance as one of the most significant barriers facing our sector. It remains vital for Europe’s music entrepreneurs and business builders to be able to unlock new non-traditional sources of finance in order to support the artists, songwriters and talent that they work for. By utilising beatBread’s experience and insights, this partnership marks a significant step to empowering managers and realising that goal”. 


Booking agent Louise McGovern has joined the Runway agency, having previously been a senior agent at Midnight Mango. Runway co-founder Matt Hanner says, “We're incredibly excited to have the opportunity to add Louise to our team. She has a real passion for her artists, works incredibly hard for her roster and is evidently a hugely talented agent. Going forward, we’re looking forward to helping Louise continue to grow into the role, as well as having her contribute to Runway’s broader plans around diversity and inclusion”.
David El Sayegh, Deputy CEO of French song rights collecting society SACEM, has been elected as President of GESAC, the organisation that represents songwriter societies across Europe. He is “THRILLED” about the appointment, obviously. He adds, “Our duty is first and foremost to ensure that authors’ rights get the protection they need and European culture continues to flourish regardless of the technology and the business model. For this, we very much rely on the commitment and dedication of EU policy-makers to uphold European rules and values”. 


The Ivors took place in London yesterday celebrating songwriters and songwriting. Bruce Springsteen was in attendance to receive Fellowship of The Ivors Academy, which was presented to him by previous Fellow Paul McCartney. Other highlights from the full list of winners: Raye won Songwriter Of The Year and the Album Of The Year prize went to Yussef Dayes for ‘Black Classical Music’. 


Skrillex has released new single ‘Push’, featuring Hamdi and Taichu
Eli & Fur have announced that they will release their second album ‘Dreamscapes’ via [PIAS] Électronique on 27 Sep. Here is new single ‘Golden Eyes and Tears’.
Melt-Banana will release new album ‘3 + 5’ on 23 Aug. An album announcement says that, while there is no official explanation of the record’s title, you should note that three and five are both prime numbers, and “prime numbers symbolise mathematical integrity and independence, which could represent Melt-Banana’s uniqueness and freedom. Why ‘3 + 5’ and not ‘1 + 7’? That's left for you to ponder”. Maybe it’s because mathematicians these days don’t generally consider one to be a prime number. I don’t know. Either way, here's a promo video for the album to watch while you do your own mathematical pondering. 
Maxïmo Park will release new album ‘Stream Of Life’ on 27 Sep via Lower Third. Here’s lead single ‘Your Own Worst Enemy’.
Don Toliver has a new single featuring Charlie Wilson and Cash Cobain, it’s called ‘Attitude’ and is out in advance of his album Hardstone Psycho, due 14 Jun. 
Moby has posted a video for ‘Where Is Your Pride?’, a collaboration with the late Benjamin Zephaniah. The video, which has been approved by Zephaniah’s family, is a celebration of his life’s work. The track appears on Moby’s new album ‘Always Centered At Night’, out on 14 Jun.

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