Live industry news including ticketing, venues, festivals and more

News coverage of the live side of the music industry, including live music and ticketing companies, venues, festivals, innovation and legal reform
219 posts
Live industry news including ticketing, venues, festivals and more
Leadmill eviction battle in court public
The Leadmill 3 min read

Leadmill eviction battle in court

The Electric Group was in court yesterday seeking to enforce its eviction order against the current management team at Sheffield’s The Leadmill. It owns the building and wants to directly run the venue. The current team raised logistical and human rights objections to the forced change in management…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
Live industry welcomes ticket tout prison sentences public
Ticket Touting 3 min read

Live industry welcomes ticket tout prison sentences

The live music industry has welcomed the prison sentences handed to four people found guilty of operating a fraudulent ticket resale business. Stuart Camp - who manages Ed Sheeran - said he hoped it would set “an important precedent in the live music industry”…
Andy Malt
Andy Malt
TICKET Act passed by US House Of Representatives public
TICKET Act 2 min read

TICKET Act passed by US House Of Representatives

The TICKET Act - which mandates all-in pricing and bans speculating selling in the US ticketing market - has been passed by the House Of Representatives. It’s “an important step towards restoring trust in the ticketing ecosystem” says Fix The Tix Coalition…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
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