Live Nation

72 posts
First Madonna slack time-keeping lawsuit dismissed public
Madonna 2 min read

First Madonna slack time-keeping lawsuit dismissed

A lawsuit filed against Madonna over the late start times of her shows has been dismissed. The musician’s lawyer says no settlement has been reached and that the litigious concert-goers dismissed their “frivolous” lawsuit when they realised they were not going to get an quick pay-off from the star…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
Madonna accuses litigious fans of “harassment” public
Madonna 2 min read

Madonna accuses litigious fans of “harassment”

Last week lawyers working for two fans who sued Madonna over the late start time of one of her shows told the court a settlement had been reached with the musician and her promoter Live Nation. But, says a lawyer working for Madonna and Live Nation, that’s just not true…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
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