The Night & Day venue will be able to continue to run club nights, following the ruling in its protracted legal battle with Manchester City Council over a noise complaint. However, the wording of the decision has raised concerns that other nearby venues may now face similar complaints…
A freedom of information request has revealed that Manchester City Council has now spent nearly £90,000 on its legal battle with the Night & Day venue over a noise abatement order. It blames the venue for taking the matter to court, a claim the Music Venue Trust rejects…
Manchester City Council and music venue the Night & Day Café returned to court this week in their continuing battle over a noise abatement notice handed down in 2021. The venue’s lawyer said that it was an “unjustified” attack that could negatively affect the city’s entire night time economy…
Supporters of the Night & Day venue in Manchester say they hope a court hearing next week will finally resolve a legal dispute with the city’s council over a noise abatement order, with the Music Venue Trust stating that the case is “precedent-setting”…
Yet more acoustic testing needs to be carried out in the court dispute between Night & Day and Manchester City Council. "We don't understand why testing didn't happen during the planning state 20 years ago" say Night & Day spokesperson.…
After a planned return to court on Tuesday was postponed to allow further out-of-court discussions between the venue and council to take place the hearing has now been postponed to 21 July after technical issues with a video link caused yesterday's hearing to fail.…
After new sound testing was ordered by magistrate Margaret McCormack the judge overseeing the court case between Night & Day and Manchester City Council, the case heads back to court for the third time…
"Court time is precious" says frustrated judge in Night & Day case after five hours of discussion on acceptable noise levels fail to reach consensus. The judge has now ordered six days of new testing over three consecutive weekends.…
Manchester City Council ignored recommendation for detailed acoustic report when building next door to Night & Day was being redeveloped into flats says music venue owner Jennifer Smithson as settlement talks fail and battle heads back to court.…
Neighbour who complained about Night & Day noise spent £21k on sound insulation, but had to move out of flat after ongoing noise and backlash caused stress. Meanwhile MVT boss Mark Davyd says redevelopment of neighbouring building "should not have passed planning".…
A court case that will decide the future of Manchester's long-established Night & Day music venue starts today. An acoustic expert said the venue is not to blame for the noise, but rather poor sound insulation that should have been improved when the neighbouring building was redeveloped into flats.…
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