Digital services and platforms news

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Digital services and platforms news
DURP! The MLC has an update on its distributor portal public
The MLC 3 min read

DURP! The MLC has an update on its distributor portal

The MLC’s portal that helps distributors identify unclaimed royalties for clients has hit a milestone with more than 100 partners now signed up. The catchily named DURP is a subset of the MLC’s existing public database of musical works, which holds information about songs and recordings…
Sam Taylor
Trump nominates outspoken TikTok critic for top FCC position public
TikTok 3 min read

Trump nominates outspoken TikTok critic for top FCC position

Despite previously trying to ban TikTok when he was President, Donald Trump vowed to save the app during the recent election campaign by overturning the sell-or-be-banned law passed by US Congress earlier this year. But now Trump has nominated a very outspoken TikTok critic to chair the FCC…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
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