European Union

15 posts
Concessions for UK artists touring EU “impossible” say EU officials, in blow to Labour government’s manifesto commitment public
European Union 3 min read

Concessions for UK artists touring EU “impossible” say EU officials, in blow to Labour government’s manifesto commitment

Prior to this year’s General Election, the Labour Party said that “helping our touring artists” would be a key priority in future talks with the EU. However, internal documents say that EU officials have already ruled out any deal to remove the hurdles British performers now face when touring Europe…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
After suing Apple, the EU is going after Meta for DMA breaches public
Meta 2 min read

After suing Apple, the EU is going after Meta for DMA breaches

The European Commission has published a second preliminary finding in relation to big tech and the EU Digital Markets Act, having previously ruled on Apple. This time it’s Meta’s personal data policies in the spotlight which, the Commission says, are not compliant with the DMA…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
Apple could be fined under EU Digital Markets Act over app rules public
Apple 2 min read

Apple could be fined under EU Digital Markets Act over app rules

Apple could be the first tech giant to be fined under the EU’s Digital Markets Act in relation to its App Store rules around in-app payments. There has been a change to those rules since the DMA went into effect, but the FT’s sources say officials still reckon Apple is not compliant with the new law…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
EU to investigate TikTok over online safety concerns public
TikTok 2 min read

EU to investigate TikTok over online safety concerns

The European Union has announced it is investigating TikTok for potential breaches of its Digital Services Act - failure to deal with harmful content was one of the concerns cited by Universal Music when it pulled out of licensing negotiations last month…
Andy Malt
Andy Malt
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