Sony Music

41 posts
Sony Music Japan hunts pirate site operators through US courts public
Sony Music 1 min read

Sony Music Japan hunts pirate site operators through US courts

The people behind a piracy service that specialises in Japanese music could be about to run into some legal challenges. Sony Music Japan has secured a US court order which forces Cloudflare to provide info about the site’s operators, with the aim that Sony can identify and pursue the individuals…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
Ministry of Sound label sued over Ride It remix public
Ministry Of Sound Recordings 2 min read

Ministry of Sound label sued over Ride It remix

Ministry Of Sound Recordings has been sued over Regard’s remix of ‘Ride It’. The label that released the original says the remix substantially sampled its track without permission. Ministry ultimately re-recorded the sampled elements, but initially released it with the uncleared sample, it’s alleged…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
Sony sues Marriott over social media posts public
Sony Music 2 min read

Sony sues Marriott over social media posts

Sony Music has sued the Marriott hotel chain over its use of music on videos posted to social media. The major label accuses Marriott of “rampant infringement” and says that it is filing its lawsuit in an effort to “recover damages for Marriott’s wilful conduct”…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
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