
121 posts
The MLC’s lawsuit is “nonsensical”, “meritless and wasteful” and “denigrates” authors and the entire audiobooks industry, says Spotify’s latest filing in bundling dispute public
Spotify 3 min read

The MLC’s lawsuit is “nonsensical”, “meritless and wasteful” and “denigrates” authors and the entire audiobooks industry, says Spotify’s latest filing in bundling dispute

Spotify has asked a US court to dismiss the lawsuit filed against it by The MLC as part of the big bundling discount dispute. By claiming that the audiobooks access that is now part of Spotify Premium doesn’t have more than token value, the MLC is disrespecting book authors, Spotify argues…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
Spotify adds pricing information into its iOS app in Europe public
Spotify 2 min read

Spotify adds pricing information into its iOS app in Europe

Spotify has signed up to Apple’s revised App Store terms in Europe, which include changes forced by EU law, allowing it to promote subscription packages within its iOS app. However, there won’t be links to payment pages on Spotify’s website, because it still objects to Apple’s terms on commissions…
Chris Cooke
Chris Cooke
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